Friday, August 7, 2009

Praying for war

Yesterday I payed that God would give me battles to fight. Today - halfway through the day that is when I finally made time to pray - I prayed the same. 

A few hours later I found myself in the kitchen severely questioning the sanity of those petitions. 

Is it arrogant to ask  for battles?

Isn't daily living enough of a challenge? ( Ironically enough I'm wondering these things as I'm attempting to multi-task a.k.a do anything + exhibit the fruits of the Spirit) Why am I asking God for a battle when I feel like I mostly fail at living well? 

I could be very wrong in my conclusion, but a few moments into this mental conversation, it did occur to me that apparently battle-filled days might be no different from all the others in every respect save one.  It could just be that today I noticed that I was in the battle I face daily. 

As someone who does experience "happy days" ( when it seems like everything is wonderful even when things go wrong circumstantially - something I attribute to grace) I do think we are able to heavily experience the effects of grace from time to time and rise above the clamor of " sin which so easily entangles."  Most days however are spent in the trenches and it seems like we ought to notice. 
This thought may not apply to those who have more fully put on the new man and participate more entirely in the life of Christ, but I'm pretty sure I'm still in the needing to notice the battle stage. 
I'm probably praying for the wrong thing, but I think God is ok with feeble attempts as a starting point. I know I don't want to sleep-walk through life, even though the thought of waking up is rather daunting. 

Encouraging Thoughts:

"There are times when there is no illumination and no thrill, but just the daily round, the common task. Routine is God's way of saving us between the times of inspiration. Do not expect God always to give you His thrilling moments, but learn to live in the domain of drudgery by the power of God." - My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers

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